Stephanie Hodson, MD, FACP
Stephanie Hodson, MD FACP is board certified in medical oncology and hematology. She is a Boise native, practicing in Boise since 2002. She attended medical school at the University of Washington as a WWAMI and completed her hematology/oncology fellowship at OHSU. She is adjunct faculty at ISU PA school and the UW WWAMI program. She practices in her clinic, Gem State Cancer and Blood Specialists. Her passions are bringing quality medical care to the community that raised her and to educate the next generation of healthcare providers.
Financial relationships
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:Independent contractorIneligible company:PRIMETopic:LGBTQDate added:07/14/2023Date updated:08/08/2024Relationship end date:06/07/2023
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:Independent contractorIneligible company:PRIMETopic:TNBCDate added:07/14/2023Date updated:08/08/2024Relationship end date:07/13/2023