Akshjot Puri, MD
CURRENT: Consultant Physician
(Hematology/Oncology- Breast oncology focus)
8/2021-Present Franciscan Missionaries of our Lady Health System
Our Lady of Lourdes JD Moncus Cancer Center, Lafayette, LA
07/2018- 6/2021 Houston Methodist Cancer Center
Texas Medical Center, Houston, TX
Hematology and Medical Oncology Fellowship Program
Hematology and Medical Oncology Chief Fellow 2020-2021
02/2015-02/2018 University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix
Banner- University Medical Center Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ
Internal Medicine Residency Program
Internal Medicine Chief Resident 2017-2018
07/2007-07/2013 Dayanand Medical College, Ludhiana, India
Doctor of Medicine
- Puri A and Yin Z, Granados-Principal S, Ensor J, Guzman L, Rosato R, Zhao H, Wong S, Wang L, Patel T and Chang JC. Hydroxytyrosol, a component of olive oil for breast cancer prevention in women at high risk. Submitted to Breast cancer research and treatment, 2023
- Reddy T, Puri A, Guzman L, Thomas C, Qian W, Zhou J, Zhao H, Mahboubi B, Oo A, Kim B, Thaiparambil J, Rosato R, Chervo MF, Ayerbe C, Giese N, Chang J, Yam C, Moulder S, Piwnica-Worms H, Meric-Bernstam F, Chang JC. NOS inhibition sensitizes metaplastic breast cancer to alpelisib and taxane chemotherapy by reversing cJUN-mediated epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Submitted to Nature communications 2023.
- Puri A, Mylavarapu C, Xu J, Patel TA, Teh BS, Tremont-Lukats I, Chang JC, Niravath P. Clinical factors and association with treatment modalities in patients with breast cancer and brain metastases who develop leptomeningeal disease. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10549-022-06595-3
- Puri A, Chang J, Tanner N, Lucente P, Desiongco J, Dragovich T, Naraev B, Kundranda M. Skeletal metastases in advanced pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC): A retrospective analysis. J Gastrointestin Oncol. 2021 Apr; 12(2): 455-463.
- Puri A, Reddy TP, Patel TA, Chang JC. Metastatic triple negative breast cancer: Established and Emerging Treatments. Breast J. 2020; 00:1-4. https://doi.org/10.1111/tbj.13946
- Puri A, Kamble RT, Pingali SR. Individualizing Approach to Primary CNS Lymphoma. Diagnosis and Treatment: Hematology Journal. 2020 (1): 23-32. 10.33513/DTHJ/2001-03
- Gentille C, Anand K, Dalwadi S, Puri A, Farach A, Pingali R. Radiation therapy in primary mediastinal large B cell lymphoma treated with DA-R-EPOCH. Clinical Case Reports DOI: 10.1002/ccr3.2853
- Puri, A & Kyle, H & Uppalapu, S & Raschke, R. The Role of Interleukin-I Receptor Antagonist, Anakinra in Critically ILL Adult Patients with Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis and Macrophage Activation Syndrome, a Review of Six Cases. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 63. S51-S52.
- Puri A, Lau MW, Zhao XF, Chan KC, Bader K. A rare case of a non secretory plasma cell leukemia with a hemorrhagic gastric plasmacytoma. Leukemia Research Reports. 2018; 9:23-27
- Puri A, Chang JC, Kundranda M. Screening for pancreatic cancer: Current status and future directions. European Medical Journal Oncology. 2017;2(4):59-67
- Puri A, Homsi J. The safety of pembrolizumab in metastatic melanoma and rheumatoid arthritis. Melanoma Research. 2017; 27(5): 519-523 [PMID 28817445]
- Raschke RA, Gallo T, Curry SC, Whiting T, Padilla-Jones A, Warkentin TE, Puri A. Clinical effectiveness of a Bayesian algorithm for the diagnosis and management of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. J Thromb and Haemost. 2017; 15(8): 1640- 1645 [PMID 28622439]
- Puri A, Chesser M, Chan K, Kharidi V. Hiccups as herald:Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder. American journal of medicine. 2017; 130(9): 1055-1058 [PMID 28599993]
- Puri A, Ma L, Walker G, Chang J, Shinar R, Kundranda M. Synchronous primary adenocarcinoma of the lung and pancreas: Case series and review of the literature. Lung cancer management. 2017; 6(1): 17-23
- Puri A, Chesser M, Lidner T. Invasive fungal infections: A diagnostic challenge. Case reports in clinical pathology. 2017 ;4 (2): 15-19. DOI: 10.5430/crcp.v4n2p15
- Ulrickson ML, Puri A, Lindstrom S, Cassaday RD, De Padova N, Becker PS. Gemcitabine and docetaxel as a novel treatment regimen for blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm. American Journal of Hematology. 2017 ; 92 (5): E75-E77. DOI: 10.1002/ajh.24696 [PMID 28224664]
- Deeprasertkul P, Opreanu M, Bianco NR, Salehi N, Puri A, Thakur RK. National Experience with Wearable Cardioverter- Defibrillator use in Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy. The Journal of Innovations in Cardiac Rhythm Management. 2014; 5 (2156-3977):1707-1713
- Puri A and Zheng Y ( co- first authors), Granados S, Ensor J, Guzman L, Mejia J, Rosato R, Zhao H, Patel T and Chang JC ( co-senior authors). Hydroxytyrosol, a Component of Olive Oil for Breast Cancer Prevention in Women at High Risk. Poster presented at San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS); December 6-10, 2022
- Reddy T, Puri A, Guzman L, Qian W, Zhou J, Rosato R, Zhao H, Thomas C, Li X, Mahboubi B, Oo A, Cho Y, Kim B, Thaiparambil J, Ayerbe C, Giese N, Moulder S, Piwnica-Worms H, Meric-Bernstam F, Chang JC. NOS inhibition reverses epithelial-to-messenchymal transition and synergizes with alpelisib in metaplastic breast cancer. Poster presented at San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS); December 6-10, 2022
- Reddy T, Puri A, Guzman-Rojas L, Mahboubi B, Qian W, Zhao J, Kim B, Piwnica-Worms H, Moulder S, Rosato R, Chang J. NOS inhibition augments PI3K inhibition-induced DNA damage and mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition in metasplastic breast cancer. Poster presented at American Association for Cancer Research. April 12, 2022.
- Puri A, Ordonez A, Anselme AC, Guzman L, Niravath P, Chang J. Phase 1B/2 clinical trial targeting nitric oxide in the treatment of Chemo-refractory Metaplastic Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Patients. Poster presented at San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS); December 7-10, 2021
- Puri A, Mylavarapu C, Ensor J, Parveen P, Tremont-Lukats I, Chang J, Niravath P. Systemic chemotherapy in patients with brain only metastatic breast cancer: A retrospective analysis. Poster presented at American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO); June, 2021
- Puri A, Mylavarapu C, Xu J, Patel TA, Teh BS, Tremont-Lukats I, Chang JC, Niravath P. Clinical factors and association with treatment modalities in patients with breast cancer and brain metastases who develop leptomeningeal disease. Abstract presented at San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS); December, 2020
- Revankar S, Puri A, Puri A, Bernicker E. Primary EGFR-driven lung adenocarcinoma in a patient with Li- Fraumeni syndrome. Abstract presented at Houston Methodist Cancer Symposium; Aug 7, 2020; Houston, TX
- Revankar S, Puri A, Puri A, Pingali SR. Hyperammonemic encephalopathy as a rare presenting feature of relapsing multiple myeloma. Abstract presented at Houston Methodist Cancer Symposium; Aug 7, 2020; Houston, TX
- Puri A, Khan U, Niravath P. Paraneoplastic ataxic syndrome with anti-Yo antibodies in breast and ovarian cancer: A retrospective analysis. Abstract presented at American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Meeting; June, 2020
- Gentille C, Ensor J, Puri A, Randhawa JK, Shah SS, Pingali S. Primary Cutaneous Anaplastic Large-Cell Lymphoma: A Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Database Analysis from 2005-2016. American Society of Hematology 61st Annual Meeting; December 9, 2019; Orlando, FL
- Puri A, Puri A, Gentille C, Pingali SR. Prurigo Nodularis: An association with CD 30 positive lymphomas. Poster presented at Annual Texas Society of Clinical Oncology (TXSCO) Meeting; September 14, 2019; San Antonio, TX
- Gentille C, Anand K, Puri A, Farach A, Pingali SR. Use of radiation therapy in Primary Mediastinal Large B-Cell Lymphoma (PMLBCL) Treated with DA-R-EPOCH. Poster presented at Annual Texas Society of Clinical Oncology (TXSCO) Meeting; September 14, 2019; San Antonio, TX
- Puri A, Puri A, Gentille C, Pingali SR. Prurigo Nodularis: An association with CD 30 positive lymphomas. Poster presented at 7th Annual Houston Methodist Cancer Symposium; August 16, 2019; Houston, TX
- Puri A, Chang J, Dragovich T, Lucente P, Kundranda M. Skeletal metastases in advanced pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC): A retrospective analysis. Poster presented at ASCO-Gastrointestinal cancers symposium meeting; January 18-20, 2018; San Francisco, CA
- Puri A, McCurry D, Aasen T, Gerkin R, Peterson J. A comparative analysis between quality improvement techniques to increase colon cancer screening rates at IMC clinic. Poster presented at Arizona chapter meeting, American College of Physicians; October, 2017; Tucson, AZ -3rd prize winner
- Brown S, Puri A, Jyothinagaram S. Planting seeds: A case of metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma to bilateral adrenal glands. Poster presented at: American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists Meeting May, 2017; Austin, TX
- Puri A, McCurry D, Aasen T, Gerkin R, Peterson J. A comparative analysis between quality improvement techniques to increase colon cancer screening rates at IMC clinic. Poster presented at: 21st Annual Academic Excellence Day Meeting May, 2017; Phoenix, AZ
- Puri A, McCurry D, Aasen T, Gerkin R, Peterson J. A comparative analysis between quality improvement techniques to increase colon cancer screening rates at IMC clinic. Poster presented at: Annual Housestaff Patient Quality and Safety Day Meeting May, 2017; Phoenix, AZ
- Puri A, Ma L, Kundranda M. A rare case of synchronous primaries. Poster presented at: American College of Physicians, Arizona Chapter Meeting November, 2016; Phoenix, AZ
- Aasen T, Choi J, Puri A, Salehpour K, Gonzalez P, Thompson N, Peterson J. The use of a population specialist to increase colon cancer screening rates; a comparative analysis between quality improvement techniques. Poster presented at: American College of Physicians, Arizona Chapter Meeting November, 2016; Phoenix, AZ
- Andersen A, Puri A, Franks-Snedecor R. First do no harm; A case of daptomycin induced lung injury. Poster presented at: American College of Physicians, Arizona Chapter Meeting November, 2016; Phoenix, AZ
- Puri A, Henry K, Uppalapu S, Raschke R. The role of Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist, Anakinra in Critically ill Adult Patients with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and macrophage activation syndrome, a review of six cases. Poster presented at: International Histiocyte Society Meeting October, 2016; Dublin, Ireland
- Puri A, Franks-Snedecor R. An uncommon presentation of CML. Poster presented at: 20th Annual Academic Excellence Day Meeting May, 2016; Phoenix, AZ
- Puri A, Franks-Snedecor R. An uncommon presentation of CML. Poster presented at: Society of General Internal Medicine meeting October, 2016; Phoenix, AZ
- Puri A, Ruff K. Comparison of “Pull” and “Introducer” techniques for placement of PEG tubes. Poster presented at: 19th Annual Academic Excellence Day Meeting May, 2015; Phoenix, AZ
- Puri A, Wander GS. Standardization and developing reference equations for 6 minute walk test in Indian population. Poster presented at :21st Annual Conference of Indian college of cardiology September, 2014; Tirupati, India
- Puri A, Wander GS. Awareness of Risk Factors of Coronary ArteryDisease (CAD) in Relatives of Cardiac Patients. Poster presented at: 30th Annual National Conference of Indian Society for Medical Statistics (ISMSCON) October, 2012; Ludhiana, India
- Updates in estrogen positive metastatic breast cancer. Presented at Binaytara Foundation 2023 Updates on Hematology and Oncology; July 9, 2023
- Wang X and Puri A (co- first authors), Irfman A, Han K, Guzman L, Qian W, Rosato R, Zhao H and Chang JC and Wong S (co-senior authors). Human Cytomegalovirus Reactivation in Immunosuppressive Th2 Tumor Microenvironment Facilitates Brain Metastatic Outgrowth. Presented at Spotlight session at San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS); December 6-10, 2022
- Advances in NK/T cell lymphoma. Presented at City Wide Hematology; Jan 8, 2020; Houston, TX
- Hepatocellular carcinoma: First line systemic therapy. Presented at International Society of Gastrointestinal Oncology; October 10, 2019; Arlington, VA
- Chemotherapy in elderly patients with pancreatic cancer. Presented at International Society of Gastrointestinal Oncology; October 10, 2019; Arlington, VA
- Metastatic Triple Negative Breast Cancer: Where we come from. Where are we going. Presented at: 7th Annual Houston Methodist Cancer Symposium; August 16, 2019; Houston, TX
- Individualizing approach for Primary CNS Lymphoma. Presented at City Wide Hematology; June 26, 2019; Houston, TX
- Neurological manifestations of Multiple Myeloma.Presented at City Wide Hematology; April 3, 2019; Houston, TX
- Advances in Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH). Presented at: Pulmonary Critical Care Grand Rounds January 11, 2017; Phoenix, AZ
- Conquer Cancer Merit Award, ASCO Meeting, June 2021.
- Selected for ASCO/FDA Fellow’s Clinical Workshop. October, 2020.
- Research award of excellence. Houston Methodist Cancer Center Hematology Medical Oncology Fellowship. June, 2020
- Merit Award, Annual Texas Society of Clinical Oncology (TXSCO) Meeting; September 14, 2019; San Antonio, TX
- Selected for AACR/ASCO Methods in Clinical Cancer Research Workshop. July 27 - Aug 2, 2019. Vail, CO
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:11/08/2023Date updated:01/17/2025