Aref Al-Kali, MD
Aref Al-Kali, MD is an associate Professor of medicine, one of the myeloid consultants at Mayo Clinic Rochester, director of the MDS clinic. Main focus is on novel treatments and molecular translatuional work.
Financial relationships
Attribution:OtherType of financial relationship:Grant Or ContractIneligible company:NovartisTopic:study support to institutionDate added:12/17/2023Date updated:12/17/2023
Attribution:OtherType of financial relationship:Grant Or ContractIneligible company:ASTXTopic:study support to institutionDate added:12/17/2023Date updated:12/17/2023
Attribution:OtherType of financial relationship:Grant Or ContractIneligible company:ALX OncologyTopic:study support to institutionDate added:12/17/2023Date updated:12/17/2023
Attribution:OtherType of financial relationship:Grant Or ContractIneligible company:H3b BiomedicineTopic:study support to institutionDate added:12/17/2023Date updated:12/17/2023