Bethany Samuelson Bannow, MD, MCR
Dr. Samuelson Bannow is passionate about improving hematologic research and clinical care, particularly for female-identifying individuals and those with the potential to menstruate or become pregnant. She believes achieving this mission requires success in four equally important areas: 1) establishing true interdisciplinary teams, from basic scientists to clinicians to social scientists and public health experts, 2) improving the well-being and leadership potential of a diverse workforce of physicians and researchers, 3) increasing knowledge about the role of sex as a biological variable (SABV) and 4) decreasing stigma around aspects of female reproductive health such as menstruation and pregnancy.
Dr. Samuelson Bannow lives out her vision daily through a combination of original research, patient and provider education, leadership and advocacy. Her NIH-, HRSA- and foundation-funded, investigator-initiated research is designed to understand the role of disordered hemostasis on reproductive health outcomes and the impact of disordered hemostasis on those with the capacity to menstruate or become pregnant. She seeks to provide exceptional, direct patient care in innovative, multidisciplinary clinics and also to improve care of patients more broadly. Recognizing that meeting the needs of this patient population requires a healthcare workforce that is ready to innovate, collaborate and thrive, she seeks to achieve this through ongoing educational efforts, service work, advocacy and leadership roles designed to bring attention to and improve the situation of female-identifying patients, researchers and clinicians. Dr. Samuelson Bannow leverages a unique ability to network and connect teams, a dynamic and engaging speaking style, an out of the box problem-solving approach and a passion born of personal experience as a patient and a healthcare provider to make meaningful progress toward these goals.
Financial relationships
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:OtherIneligible company:HemabiologicsTopic:FVIIa agentsDate added:12/03/2024Date updated:12/03/2024Relationship end date:11/01/2023