Faina Spaeth, ARNP
Faina Spaeth is a Nurse Practitioner in Medical Oncology at Kaiser Permanente in Bellevue, Washington. She graduated from the University of Washington with a bachelor degree in Medical Technology and from Simmons College with a bachelor and master's degree in Nursing Science. She has been a Nurse Practitioner since 2006. As a health care provider, she strives to provide compassionate and personalized care to patients and their families. Her goals are to listen and offer information and support to help guide patients to make choices that are right for them. She graduated from the University of Washington with a bachelor degree in Medical Technology and from Simmons College with a bachelor and master's degree in Nursing Science. She has extensive oncology nursing experience in solid tumor oncology, radiation oncology, bone marrow transplant and chronic pain management, spanning over more than 16 years.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:09/22/2022Date updated:09/22/2022