Lynley Fow, MN, ARNP, AOCNP
Lynley has cared for oncology patients for over 30 years and isn't afraid to say so. Oncology has changed dramatically and for the good. She earned her Bachelor's degree at the University of Delaware and then worked in multiple hospitals throughout the country as a traveling nurse before a life changing event happened while she was working at the Yale Cancer Center. This led her to the University of Washington where she earned her Master's degree in Nursing and then became board certified as an ARNP. She practiced in a community based clinic for many years which then joined the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (now known as the Fred Hutch Cancer Center). While practicing, she cared for patients with all tumor types and had a robust genetic counseling clinic for those with genetic mutations known to cause cancer. She now works in the pharmaceutical sector educating everyone she can on the latest and greatest treatments which are now transforming cancer into a chronic condition. You will often find her volunteering with the Puget Sound Oncology Nursing Society on many of their education events. In her spare time, she loves being with her family up at their mountain cabin, riding motorcycles, gardening, hanging with friends & doing stained glass projects.
Financial relationships
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:EmploymentIneligible company:AstraZenecaDate added:10/12/2022Date updated:04/29/2024
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:StockIneligible company:Celgene/BMSDate added:10/12/2022Date updated:04/29/2024
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:StockIneligible company:MiratiDate added:10/12/2022Date updated:04/29/2024