Hala Borno, M.D.
Hala Borno, MD is a practicing medical oncologist and health equity researcher at the University of California, San Francisco. She spun out and founded Trial Library, a public benefit company committed to improving access to cancer precision medicine. Trial Library deploys software integrated with technology-enabled navigation to advance access to oncology clinical trials.
Financial relationships
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:StockIneligible company:Trial Library, IncTopic:Clinical Trial recruitmentDate added:04/20/2023Date updated:04/20/2023
Attribution:Spouse or PartnerType of financial relationship:StockIneligible company:Waymark, IncTopic:Health technology companyDate added:04/20/2023Date updated:04/20/2023
Attribution:Spouse or PartnerType of financial relationship:StockIneligible company:Collective Health, IncTopic:Health technology companyDate added:04/20/2023Date updated:04/20/2023