Stacey Cohen
Dr. Stacey A. Cohen is a GI medical oncologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center / University of Washington. Her clinical practice focuses on GI malignancies, especially lower GI and colorectal cancer, young patients, and patients with a hereditary predisposition to cancer. Her research focuses on biomarkers of disease, including ctDNA and other blood-based markers, and molecular genomics in an effort to better individualize and hone cancer treatment.
Financial relationships
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:Independent contractorIneligible company:BayerTopic:advisory boardDate added:06/23/2022Date updated:10/20/2024Relationship end date:05/25/2022
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:Independent contractorIneligible company:DelcathTopic:consultantDate added:06/23/2022Date updated:10/20/2024Relationship end date:06/24/2022