Zahi Mitri, MD, MS
Dr. Mitri is a a Faculty in Medical Oncology at British Columbia Cancer Agency, specializing in breast medical oncology. He is also faculty at the University of British Columbia, and holds an adjunct faculty appointment at Oregon Health and Science University. Dr. Mitri's research focuses on the development of novel therapeutics and biomarkers to advance precision oncology in breast cancer.
Financial relationships
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:OtherIneligible company:Daischi SankyoTopic:Advisory BoardDate added:07/15/2022Date updated:07/15/2022Relationship end date:07/01/2022
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:OtherIneligible company:AstraZenecaTopic:Advisory BoardDate added:07/15/2022Date updated:07/15/2022Relationship end date:07/01/2022
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:OtherIneligible company:GileadTopic:Advisory BoardDate added:07/15/2022Date updated:07/15/2022Relationship end date:07/01/2022