- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 425-361-0029(Please leave a voicemail if no answer. We respond to all voicemails via email. Therefore, please spell your email address and include the name/city of the conference you are inquiring about when leaving a voicemail.)
Attend Only Registration (and additional exhibitor badges)
If you want to register to attend only and do not need CME/CE credits, OR if you need additional exhibitor badges, please sign up here - Attend only registration.
Please pre-register if you want to attend only or if you are an additional rep of an exhibiting company. On-site registration will be $200 more than the full pre-registration fee. If someone attends without registering, we will invoice for the registration fee + a penalty equivalent to the registration fee.
Exhibit and commercial support policy
The Binaytara Foundation appreciates the support of exhibitors and commercial supporters. The Binaytara Foundation is committed to preserving the scientific integrity and educational value of the educational activities that it plans and implements. All supporters must comply with applicable regulations and the policies and procedures of the Binaytara Foundation regarding commercial support and exhibits.
Please click here to review our exhibit and commercial support policies.
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